For relatives

Relatives may have to make enormous efforts and devote much time to helping a family member who is an addict. But their work rarely pays off. The expected results rarely materialise, and the relatives stay alone with their pain and helplessness. But targeted help can move family members out of this helpless solitude, and allow them to explore their hardships and blockages.

Addicts are often unable to recognise the seriousness of their condition, while people around them urge them to change. Consultation with relatives may enable family members, distant relatives and even friends to face and handle their loved one’s addiction. With an Addiction expert, the partners can define how to help effectively, identifying the perspectives before them, and the ways towards a balanced life.

You, too, can contribute to the recovery of your family member suffering from addiction.

Learning a method involving various motivational techniques can play an important role in persuading a relative or friend addicted to drugs or alcohol to seek help. This way you can really improve the situation of both the addict and the people around him.

During the consultation, we will help you learn how to behave with a family member who is an addict. You can avoid unnecessary quarrels because you will be able to raise the issue of addiction at the right moment. Once you can do that, confronting the addict with their condition and mistakes will no longer be your priority; instead, you can focus on small steps that can guide your family member towards facing their addiction.

The consultation for relatives will be directly beneficial to the addict as well.

In our experience, applying the skills acquired during consultation for relatives greatly contributes to the addict’s recovery. Thanks to the knowledge gained over several sessions, you can play a major part in making your family member recognise the seriousness of addiction, and start on the road towards recovery.

Consultation for relatives is not only helpful in recognising addiction and starting rehabilitation, but it also significantly reduces the risk of a relapse, because the family members who have gone though consultation already know how to help their relatives effectively.

Addiction may make relatives ill, too.

We often find that relatives who live with addicts fall ill; a loved one’s addiction places such a psychological burden on family members that they, too, develop mental or physical symptoms.

Seek help if you experience any of the following: 

  • a feeling of excessive responsibility for the other person
  • excessive care and control
  • poor self-esteem
  • lack of trust
  • shame
  • anger
  • guilt giving up yourself
  • high blood pressure
  • migraine
  • gastric ulcer
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • panic attacks
  • sexual disorders

Do you or a relative of yours need help?

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